
 Dr. Meg Brinton, Ridgefield Equine Clinic, PC

"I have had the opportunity to use the MountEase Mounting block and I'm very impressed. The unique design will benefit many types of horses and riders. Besides being an equine vet for 30 years, I am a dressage rider and use a mounting block every day. I'm thrilled with the design that provides a very stable base over the traditional two or three step designs. There is no wiggle when you step on the MountEase. You can turn your horse into the block very closely and feel very secure when you mount. As an Equine Veterinarian, I believe that all riders (and their horse's backs) could benefit from using a stable mounting block. Even if you are riding Western, a mounting block is a good idea. Your saddle will not shift and you can prevent some back problems by using a mounting block. Another great use is if you are a short rider with tall show boots on the multiple angle steps allow a much safer and steady mount."